segunda-feira, 22 de outubro de 2012

Bitter Sweet Kiss Sin

In Daniel cp1 v 8 b says: But Daniel purposed in his heart not to defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank:.
 The world we live in is full of delicacies and portions of King, being young Christian in today ta not getting any easier, you are being tempted all the time, I say this from experience, but what does that have to do with title text, you might be wondering, "bitter sweet kiss sin" was an experience I had and to witness.
Missing about 2 months or so for my baptism, I was in school time vacant, a group called me to participate in the famous joke that everyone already knows (Truth or Dare), at the time I felt the holy spirit within me bother me but I decided to go, was falling into the trap of diabo.Eu always tried to live with walk in holiness and intimacy with God, plus the desire to know how it was such a joke was not so great that I watched twice fell consequence to me, in the third round out of the game, a cotton Du nothing went into my right ear and was not out for anything like that for seven months, at the time I was very appealing, when the boys in my class knew what happened wanted to be with me "who would the daughter of the pastor chance then we "get too upset asked God for forgiveness every hour, that game had a boy I think super gorgeous that I just kissing, let me take the best looking or the delicacy of the world and how I had sinned punishment had a swab inside my ear, one thing I tell everyone who is reading this:
    Staying: momentary Pleasure generating serious consequences for the health of the mind and reduces immunity against the devil.
Treatment: Repentance and avoid approaching people contaminated.
 I held my lesson and never let myself be carried away by the look of the world, things that God has allowed you to pass to serve as experience for made a promise to God that next kiss that I will give is that the person who will be on my side for the rest of my life.
 We can do as Daniel and his friends would not defile himself with this world, the more you are tempted to resist, the Lord God vai te ajudar.Meditem in James v 2 cp 1 until 18.
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