terça-feira, 30 de outubro de 2012

Take care - If

Today we talk about health, wellness.
take care of the body does very well, even more than our body is the holy spirit dwelling house, in last days here in my state ta making a warmth that only God knows, then what do we do very well in this heat as caring; drinking plenty of liquids, avoid being exposed to strong sunlight, sunscreen pass, and does not enter the water with a full stomach or with hot body in personnel.

Himself to be very good, prefini-be made ​​as well, so always try to make sue a doctor swarm of routine to check that all is well with us, always exercising, always try to do the evening walk at sunset, has a healthy diet, avoid eating food industry always Lizada, it makes an evil that only, it is clear that instead of eating until it kills dwindle right people.
  So what I can say; care is alive and well in health, and ultimately this body temple of the Holy Spirit.

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