sexta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2012

Start Again

Start Again

Every day Guando woke in the morning, we received a new free chace to recomeçarmos again, is not it? We get then a white sheet to rewrite our history.

If the previous day was not as panejamos was a bad day, in the morning we will have a chance to start over.

When we make mistakes, we have sinned before God Almighty, and we recognize that we have failed before him, he gives us a second chace to fix what do break, God does not want, that we lose ourselves in the world jammed into the head of suffering. Let me give an example:

  When a prisoner receives probation the judge is a chance that he will have to show to society and the judge in question so that he can return to Redeliver society, it is clear that the first moment Juga it will be bad for an inmate on parole, but a new book by white sheets he gets to start rewriting history, and forget their bitter past and it gives the chance to have the long awaited freedom.

Blank pages is what we receive every day is another opportunity that God give us to start again.

What a shame that many people simply tear these leaves mind and do not give a shit, so think "now that I'm even in the mud, let me sink alone" nor appreciate other people who want to help you get out of this state.

It is unfortunate that many people think so, and neither are keen to take on new blank sheet and try to rewrite his life.

You today, possar to reflect and think and will use this new chance, you receive today, that this sheet arm can be rewritten it a new story of a new chapter of his life.

  Enjoy, because not everyone has this chance, many planned that today was going to start, but agreed not to see the day shine.

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